Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Global Placement ID - used for all traffic regardless of any other setting, this option tells the browser which kind of ad is used, as required by many SSPs (see examples by Index Exchange).

  2. Position Identifier
    If you don’t want the player to appear exactly where the publisher actually put the script, use this to define an alternative location.
    It can be either a Tag (e.g., div in case of <div>needed location</div>) a Class (e.g. titles in case of <div class=”titles”>needed location</div>), an ID (e.g. unique in case of <div id=”unique”>needed location</div>) or a (CSS) Selector (e.g. span>div:nth-of-type(2) in case of <span><div>&nbsp;</div><div>needed location</div></span>).
    We suggest to use Selector, as if you choose Tag/Class/ID instead it will just be converted to Selector anyway.

    For Tag/Class, in case of more then one of them you can specify which one by adding # and the number of it, e.g p#3 - the third occurrence of p tag in the page (similar to document.querySelectorAll('p')[2]).
    Please leave Position Identifier empty if you use DFP 1x1 instead.

  3. DFP 1x1 - serves as a fourth option for Position Identifier. This option assumes the publisher uses GAM aka Google Ad Manager (previously known as DFP) to create an iframe and put the script in it.
    In that case, this option puts the player just above the iframe.
    We suggest to use this option if the publisher should control the location, and yet you prefer to bypass 1x1 size (which is GAM’s preferable dynamic mode) plus reduce the risk of your ads being considered as “heavy ads” (which are blocked by browsers like Google Chrome, especially if found inside iframes).
    Please leave DFP 1x1 empty if you use Position Identifier instead.


  1. Publisher Channel (required) - choose which publisher channel (based on Publisher) this player tag belong to.

  2. Template (required) - choose which of the Templates should be used to define this player tag.
    Predefined Only allows choosing only system built-in templates.

A/B Testing


Optionally divide the traffic between different positions/channels/templates.


Note this section is ignored if A/B Testing is used.

Left side:
  1. Position Identifier - identical to the default setting, but used only for mobile.

  2. DFP 1x1 - identical to the default setting, but used only for mobile.

Right side:
  1. Publisher Channel - identical to the default setting, but used only for mobile.

  2. Template - identical to the default setting, but used only for mobile.

Override Extensions

Override Functions
