Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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The following as a description of Aniview reporting metrics and dimensions



This metric indicates that the player/vpaid was loaded in a page and the first serving request was done.

There is one inventory per player session.


Count the number of times a video impression was generated

For VPAID media, this is when the VPAID sent the AdImpression event

For Video media (mp4 etc…), this is when the video started playing


This metric count the number of times a 3rd party ad source was called.

This does not necessarily match to the 3rd party ad server opportunities as some ad servers count an opportunity only when calling initAd or user other measures.

Inventory Request

This metric count the times a waterfall is running in a session.

For example, in a player session there is one Inventory and can have multiple InventoryRequest as the waterfall run multiple times.

This metric is not relevant in vpaid sessions


This metric count the number of times a 3rd party ad source responded with a valid bid and after resolving vast wrappers.

Bids does not necessarily translate to impression as Vpaids tend to run additional validations on client side.

Fill Rate(%)

The calculation of this metric depends on the dimensions used.

If we are looking at the demand side, the Fill Rate will be the ratio between Impressions and Requests (=Impression/Requests*100);

if we are looking at the supply side, it will be the ratio between Impressions and Inventory (=Impressions/Inventory*100).

Request Fill Rate(%)

The ratio between Impressions and Requests (=Impression/Requests*100)

Bid Rate

The ratio between Bids and Requests (=Bid/Request*100).

Average Viewability

The average viewable impressions rate.
(=((ViewabilityRate1*Imps served with viewabilityrate1)+(ViewabilityRate2*Imps served with viewabilityrate2)+…)/Total number of Imps)

Viewability Error

Count the number of times there was Issue when calculating viewability when running in a 3rd party iframe.

Player Loaded

Every time the player script is loaded. The pixel is fired directly from the script that is loaded in supply.

For player integrations that does not use aniview tags, please make sure to fire this pixel as its shown in the player tag

(When buying traffic on DSP’s, this is the metric that should be compared to the DSP Impressions).

Player Started

This pixel is fired once aniview.js script is loaded

First Quartile

Count the number of times an ad video passed 25% of the video length

Mid Point

Count the number of times an ad video passed 50% of the video length

Third Quartile

Count the number of times an ad video passed 75% of the video length


Count the number of times an ad video played the entire video


This metric refers to the number of times the ad was started.


This metric refers to the number of times the ad was muted.


This metric refers to the number of times the ad was Unmuted.


This metric refers to the number of times ad was paused.


This metric refers to the number of times ad was resumed.


The amount of revenue generated by the ad sources.

The calculation is done per ad source (=Gross Rate*Impressions/1000).

For RTB and Prebid ad sources this calculates based on the actual bid CPM

In other types of ad sources this is calculated based on the CPM defined in the ad source

Revenue W/O Fees

This metric refers to the calculation of the Revenue without the Accounting fees (calculation based on Rules set up by the client. The rule applies retroactively.)

Accounting Fees

The calculation of the accounting rules set up by the client on the Account Settings. These can be:

  • RevShare from Revenue

  • Unmonetized Requests

  • Fees on Requests

  • Fees on Impressions

Completion Rate

Refers to the ratio between Completed views and Impressions (=Completed/Impressions*100).

Gross CPM ($)

The revenue in CPM terms (=Revenue/Impressions*1000).


This metric refers to the ratio between clicks and impressions, also known as Click Through Rate (=Clicks/Impressions*100).


The CPM per Inventory (=Revenue/Inventory*1000).


This metric refers to the number of clicks that were done on the player’s area.

Request Fees

The calculation of the accounting rules for requests set up by the client on the Account Settings.

Channel Cost

The cost calculated based on the business model set up on each channel. If the model is a fixed CPM, then the calculation will be =Fixed CPM*Impression/1000. If the model is a Revenue Share, then it will be the percentage of the Revenue generated in this specific connection.

Ads Viewed Rate

This metric calculates the amount of time an ad was viewed/Total Duration of the ad.

AVG Ads Viewed Time

This metric calculates the total Viewed Time/Impressions.

Total Ads Viewed Time

Sum of ad Viewed time.

Total Ads Duration Time

Sum of Ads Duration Time.

This is an estimate as some vpaids do not provide the ad duration

Init Ad

This metric count the times initAd is called for vpaid bid responses.

When the bid response is a VAST with VPAID media, this pixel is sent when calling the initAd() VPAID function to initialize the ad.

Start Ad

Count the number of times startAd is called for vpaid media

Ad Loaded

Count the times a vpaid call to initAd responded with AdLoaded

Ad Error

General vpaid error

Empty Waterfall

Count the number of times there was an empty waterfall

Prebid Win

Count the number of times there was a prebid win

Media Play Error

Count the number of times an error happened while playing an ad

Media Timeout

Vpaid General Error

General vpaid error

Vpaid Load Error

Count the times a vpaid script failed to load

Vpaid Load Timeout

Count the times a vpaid script failed to load after a timeout passed.

VPAID Init Ad Error

Count the times a vpaid call to initAd responded with AdError

VPAID Init Ad Timeout

Count the times a vpaid call to initAd did not respond after a timeout passed. Default timeout is 20 sec and can be set in the Ad Source Player Settings tab.

VPAID Start Ad Error

Count the times a vpaid call to startAd responded with AdError

VPAID Start Ad Timeout

Count the times a vpaid call to startAd did not respond after a timeout passed. Default timeout is 20 sec and can be set in the Ad Source Player Settings tab.

VPAID Play Error

Count the times a vpaid got an error while playing an ad

Publisher Profit

IVT Pre-Bid Scan

Count of calls that were scanned.

IVT Pre-Bid Check

Count when another partner has run a scan before AV on inventory you have received.

IVT Pre-Bid Mark

Count calls that were marked as IVT and not blocked.

IVT Pre-Bid Block

Count calls that were detected as IVT and were blocked.

IVT Pre-Bid Pass

Count calls that were not detected as IVT.


Opportunity is a way to measure the number of times the supply partner had given you an opportunity to serve ads.

This metric is being fired once per session per connection.

If your supply partner has one channel with 2 partner connections, the supply partner will have 1 inventory while the demand partner can get up to 2 opportunities(One for each connection).

NOTE: You can have 2 opportunities for one connection in the same session only if the first serving was opportunity without any of your demand AdSources and one of the next serving included one of your demand AdSources.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Up until 10/4/2020 - Opportunity was counted the number of times a partner connection was “checked” in every Serving(inventoryRequest) event. Every time the supply partner had inventory request it counted as opportunity.


Tags Available

Count the number of times a partner connection serve at least one ad source to a supply partner request of a partner connection.

This metric is being fired once per session per connection.

Inventory Cost CPM

The cost calculated per Inventory on CPM terms.

Requires AV_IC to be passed in the ref1 section of the player.

Inventory Cost

The cost calculated per Inventory.

Requires passing AV_IC in the ref1 section of the player (=Inventory* AV_IC /1000).

Publisher/Partner Cost

The cost of impressions calculated based on the business model set up on Publisher/Partner Connections. If the model is a fixed CPM, then the calculation will be =Fixed CPM*Impression/1000. If the model is a Revenue Share, then it will be the percentage of the Revenue generated in this specific connection.

Total Cost

The Total Cost will combine the Publisher/Partner Cost with the Channel Cost (=Publisher/Partner Cost + Channel Cost).

Total Cost CPM

The Total Cost will combine the Publisher/Partner Cost with the Channel Cost in CPM terms.

Channel Cost CPM

The cost calculated based on the business model set up on each channel in CPM terms.

Publisher/Partner Cost CPM

The cost calculated based on the business model set up on Publisher/Partner Connections in CPM terms.


Refers to the revenue minus the costs (=Revenue - Total Cost).


The profit in CPM terms.

No Bid

Count the number of times there was no bid


RTB bid price in CPM terms

RTB Clearing Bid CPM

RTB Clearing Bid price in CPM terms

RTB Win Rate(%)

The calculated percentage of winner bids from all the requests

RTB Auction Win Rate(%)

The calculated percentage of winner bids from all the bids



RTB Timeout

Sum of no bids with RESPONSE_CODES=TIMEOUT

RTB Vast Error






RTB Invalid Bid


RTB No Bid Price


RTB Lose


RTB Lose Bid

Sum of bids with RESPONSE_CODES !=BID_WIN

RTB Lose: Below Flor Price


RTB Lose: Bundle Targeting


RTB Lose: Category Targeting


RTB Lose: Advertiser Targeting


Viewable Impression

The amount of impressions that were 50% or more of the player’s canvas were in the viewport for X consecutive seconds (as defined in the Player Settings for the Ad Source/Channel/Account.


Count the number of times an ad is playing at least 3 sec


Count the number of times an ad is playing at least 10 sec



The country code

Country Name

The country name


The operating system


The domain

Grouped Domain

The domain with the sub domains grouped

Sub Id

The value passed in AV_SUBID

Browser Name

The browser name

Ad Type


The http protocol the page has loaded with

Available Values: http or https

Media Creative

In video AdSource, the name of the video

Tag Type

Player, Vpaid, vast client side, vast server side


The percentage of the player that was in view.

I.E. 50 = 50% of the player was in view

App Name

Per app name as passed in AV_APPNAME

Player Dimensions

Per width-height player size

ViewabilityquartilesViewability Quarters

Shows how many of the impressions played in view in each quartile

Play in view


Shows if a player was running as sticky or not

Player position

Above or below the fold or unknown

Creative Type


The city


Conversion Type

Type of conversion. For example - CPM / CPC / CPA

Region Name

OS Version

Browser Version

IVT Pre-Bid Reason

Reason for marking/blocking. For more information please refer to the IVT Detection page.

IVT Pre-Bid Detected Level

Pixalate only.

IVT Pre-Bid Entity Level

Where was the scan enabled (e.g Channel, Partner Connection...)

IVT Pre-Bid Supplier

What platform supplied the IVT service - WhiteOps/Pixalate

RTB Reason Code

The reason why the bidder did not offer a bid for the impression. For more information go to iab open RTB specs.

RTB Bid Price

RTB Auction Clearing Price

RTB Bid Price Range

Ranged bid price dimension (range step: 0.5)

RTB Auction Clearing Price Range

Ranged auction clearing price dimension (range step: 0.5)

Player Type

The type of integration of the Aniview Tag/Tech
