Versions Compared


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  1. Control Button Positioning - choose between Aligned to Left (All the controls will be located in the bottom left corner of the player) and Distributed (Play/Pause button will be located in the bottom left corner but Sound and Full Screen buttons will be in the bottom right corner).

  2. Timeline Mode - choose the formation of the player timeline - Overlay (inside the player), Bottom (of the player) or None.

  3. Sound Button - if set to TRUE, the player will have a button users can click on to turn on sound.
    Note this concerns just the existence of a button! Ads that are autoplay start off muted.

  4. Play/Pause Button - if set to TRUE, the player will have a Play/Pause button while showing an ad.

  5. Logo - If set to TRUE, the player will show the logo while showing an ad.
    We recommend to disable it to avoid policy violations in premium Advertisers such as Google, as external logos aren’t supposed to interfere with ads.

  6. Request on View - the player will calls the ad sources only when in view.

  7. Check Tab Is In View - the player will calls the ad sources only when in view.

  8. Play Ad when in View - automatically check the viewability and call startAd only when it is in view.
    Note: according to if Autoplay is unchecked and Play On View is unchecked, the user must click play first.

  9. Skip Button

    if set to TRUE, show a Skip button within the player.
    You can add a timer for it as well as define the actual text:

    1. Skip Timer - the amount of seconds to wait before showing the Skip Button.
      It must be > 0.

    2. Skip Text - change the text shown in the Skip button from the default.


  1. Autoplay - defines whether startAd is called automatically. If FALSE, startAd should be called after getting the onLoad callback event.

  2. Auto Continue - at the end of each video, automatically play the next one.

  3. Loop - defines whether to continue looking for more ads at the end of the first impression. If loop is FALSE, it will only play one ad. When using Video Content (as a preloader), it will also define whether or not to loop it.

  4. Play on On View

    if set to TRUE, the player will automatically check the viewability and will call startAd only when it is in view.
    Play on View Percent - from which percent of viewable player, the player will be consider as "On View" and will automatically play.

    if Autoplay is unchecked and Play On View is unchecked, the user must click play first (i.e. “click-to-play”).

Auto Skip

Enable Auto Skip
