Please remember to click Save after you’re done.
Optimized - each priority can have many ad sources. We recommend enabling this option to let our intelligent algorithm determine which ad sources should get more chances to win inside each given priority.
Enable ads.txt - enable in order to apply https://
Channel Type - normally Client, but some traffic sources (such as apps) may require you to choose Server instead. Prebid is reserved for future use.
TimeoutMs - you can type the number of MS instead of relying on automation.
Channel Cost - you can switch between Fixed CPM (a fixed amount of money for every 1,000 impressions) and Rev Share (where your publisher gets this revenue share).
Limit Advertiser - only allow specific advertisers to be connected to this waterfall.
Floor Price - don’t send requests for ad sources that ask for less than this amount.
Only used for direct traffic that isn’t associated with specific publishers!Environment - choose where the traffic source is expected to run (Desktop, CTV, etc.). Note it’s used for reporting only.
Override Publisher Supply Chain - use an alternative supply chain (as determined by the connected App/Site, to be used for regular connections.
Override Partner Supply Chain - use an alternative supply chain (as determined by the connected App/Site, to be used for direct connections (aka deal IDs).
App/Site - the alternative supply chain definition used for either or both Override Publisher Supply Chain and Override Partner Supply Chain.
Seller ID (read-only) - the publisher ID used for App/Site.
Verified Sources
Also known as “First Look”, these ad sources will always be given a chance to compete for the auction and bypass automated optimization. Of course, they’ll still respect any targeting they might have.
Please remember to click Save after you’re done.
Basic Info
Name (required) - the name of the connection. It can be identical to the channel in order to avoid confusion.
Description -any note you like to add about this connection.
Status - remember to switch to Active, or this connection won’t be used.
Demand Publisher - choose to link this connection to one of the Advertisers.
Environment - choose where the connection is expected to run (Desktop, CTV, etc.). Note it’s used for reporting only.
Partner ID - choose which of the Partners to use.
Business Model
Floor Price (required) - the number of minimal revenues this connection expects from its Ad Sources, whereas anything less will be automatically blocked.
Paying Method - you can switch between Fixed CPM (a fixed amount of money for every 1,000 impressions) and Rev Share (where your partner gets this revenue share).
Fixed CPM or Rev Share - how much to pay for Fixed CPM or how much percent to pay for Rev Share.
Payments Model
The default revenue measurement is by impression (aka CPM). You can choose alternative revenue measurements (such as getting paid for clicks).
You can optionally click just Save, but this means you’ll have to log in into the publisher and manually create a connection there.
Basic Info
Name (required) - the name of the connection. It can be identical to the channel in order to avoid confusion.
Description -any note you like to add about this connection.
Status - remember to switch to Active or this connection won’t be used.
Demand Publisher - choose to link this connection also to one of the Advertisers.
Environment - choose where the connection is expected to run (Desktop, CTV, etc.). Note it’s used for reporting only.
Publisher ID - choose which of the Publishers to use.
Business Model
Floor Price (required) - the amount of minimal revenues this connection expects from its Ad Sources, whereas anything less will be automatically blocked.
Paying Method - you can switch between Fixed CPM (a fixed amount of money for each 1,000 impressions) and Rev Share (in which your publisher gets this share of the revenue).
Fixed CPM or Rev Share - how much to pay for Fixed CPM or how much percent to pay for Rev Share.
Payments Model
The default revenue measurement is by impression (aka CPM). You can choose alternative revenue measurements (such as getting paid for clicks).