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Table of Contents


This screen shows and/or allows changing settings that involve basic information usage, but most options are read-only:

  1. Name - the name of the account. Note it’s reflected in the top right side of all pages.

  2. Status - a read-only reflection of whether the whole account is enabled or disabled.

  3. Domain - a read-only reflection of the account’s domain. Note it could be used for sellers.json, supply chain, etc.

  4. Timezone - a read-only reflection of the account’s time zone. It’s recommended to stick to UTC 0 since it avoids time zone issues as well as summertime.

  5. Authentication Enabled - a read-only reflection of the whether the account uses authentication.

  6. Type - a read-only reflection of which the account is. Adserver - Network means the account can have sub-accounts, whereas Publisher means the account itself is a sub-account of another Network.

  7. Ad Source Postponed - a read-only reflection of whether the Ad Sources are postponed.

  8. Network Announcement - optionally set a notification to appear in the top row of all pages.

  9. Remove All Network Announcement - can be used after announcements have been set.

  10. Announcement Macros

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    Shows dynamic macros that can be used when setting up announcements.



This screen allows setting default values when setting up new Publishers, but all options are optional:

  1. Default Selected Type

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    You can choose Rev share so that new publishers will offer by default to pay the publishers a portion of the review, and Fixed CPM so that new publishers will offer by default to pay a fixed CPM for each 1,000 impressions.

  2. Default Fixed CPM - publishers that are set as Fixed CPM will use this value as default.

  3. Default Rev Share - publishers that are set as Rev share will use this value as default.

Api Keys


This screen can generate a special API key for real time reports.


This screen controls how traffic is served, but most options are read-only:

  1. Networking Enabled - a read-only option that reflects the status of Networking.

  2. Supply Partner - a read-only option that reflects if the account can offer incoming traffic to Advertisers

  3. Demand Partner - a read-only option that reflects if the account can offer ads to Publishers.

  4. Server Side Optimization - a read-only option that reflects if the Optimized option can be used in .

  5. Force Optimization with PC - a read-only option that reflects if Optimization is forced for

  6. Tag ID - an option value to be used for Tag ID.



Optionally apply a pixel for certain metrics, thus get a report every time this pixel was used.


Pre-bid means doing the detection and/or blocking in the Inventory level, i.e. even before the bid/request occurs.

  1. Status - enable if you use this solution.

  2. Action - choose the default action whereas Block means block anything that looks suspicious while Mark means just include it in Adserver reports and

  3. Sampling - choose how many percents of Inventory to scan whereas 100% means all of them.

  4. Supplier - choose the the supplier you wish to use - note you have to sign an intendent contract with them. Currently only White OPs is supported.

Custom Params


This screen allows defined custom parameters for 2 purposes:

  1. When you wish to use a whole new parameter based on an existing one (e.g. AV_SPECIAL instead of the existing Serving Key AV_CUSTOM1).

  2. When you wish to use an existing parameter but call it something else in reporting (e.g. AV_CUSTOM1 with the reporting name of Special).

  3. When you wish to apply both at the same time.

Please remember to click Save when done.

  1. Custom Parameters - choose the needed custom parameter.

  2. Serving Key - type the parameter key.

  3. Reports Name - type the parameter name.



This screen allows modifying certain Channels defaults.

  1. Channel Optimization - choose Enable so that Optimization (in will be enabled by default.

  2. Download Channels Csv - download all channels in 1 CSV file.

  3. Allow Syncing Channels - choose Enable to be able to create just 1 waterfall, then re-use it in all other channels.

  4. Open Channel Configuration - choose Automatic so that it will always expand by default.

  5. Show Non Active Adsources in Waterfall - choose No to hide non active Ad Sources in waterfalls.

  6. Limit Advertisers - choose Enable so that channels will have this option enabled by default.

  7. Separated Edit Page - choose Enable so that clicking on channel will open a special overlay screen.


This screen allows to set basic global account targeting whereas only traffic that matches will be able to become Requests.


Its options allow you to include or exclude very specific entries:

  1. Exclude empty GDPR Consent in EU in RTB - choose Off to exclude EU traffic from webpages that never even asked the users to accept or reject tracking. But in the global account level this affects only RTB (as set in

  2. Exclude Bots - choose Off to exclude traffic that is suspected as non human. This is as premium Advertisers are likely to refuse paying for them or even complain about you for sending them in the first place.



Choose Enable so that this option will be enabled by default in


This screen allows setting global wide fluent alerts.

  1. Consolidation - choose Enable to consolidate the alerts.

  2. Adsource - choose which status change of Ad Sources to be notified about.

  3. Adsource - choose which status change of Channels to be notified about.

  4. Partners - choose which status change of Partners to be notified about.

  5. Partner Connection - choose which status change of to be notified about.

  6. Publisher Connection - choose which status change of to be notified about.

Notification Center

This screen allows setting one time alerts to publishers.

Please remember to click Send when done.

  1. Publisher - choose one of thePublishers.

  2. Message - type the one time alert. Note you can use announcement macros for dynamic values.

  3. Announcement Macros

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    See a read-only list of available macros to use.


This screen displays and allows searching through all past notifications.


Each rule has the far right side options of add expand/collapse this rule, add more rules, add this rule, and cancel this rule.

  1. Custom

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    A customized fee, which allows you to choose a Metric, conduct an arithmetic formula to it and present the result in percents or dollars.

  2. Rev-Share From Revenue

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    A fee that is derived as a percentage to the Publishers from the revenue.

  3. Unmonetized Request

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    A fee that is derived from a CPM value for Request-Impression.

  4. Request Fees

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    A fee that is derived from a CPM value for each request.

  5. Impression Fees

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    A fee that is derived from a CPM value for each Impression.

Player Settings


A screen that allows setting the default values for Player Settings, which almost all entities use.


Please remember to click the far right side green checkbox when done.

  1. Type -Choose Metric for basic arithmetic calculations or Event for event-based calculations.

  2. Api Key - the key name for Metric (e.g. CPM) or the chosen key for Event.

  3. Metric Name - the display name of the Metric/Event.

  4. Equation - type a manual calculation for Metric or see an automatic one for Event.

    1. For Metric, equation can contain any existing metric or number with basic math operation such as: * / + - and ( ) for priorities.
      #impression# * 2 + (#inventory# - 1000)

      To find what metrics are available type # and a metric list will appear. Same can be done with ? for all available math operations.

    2. For Event click the far right side AV Pixel icon to get the tracker Publishers need to implement in the webpages in which the ads will show.

Account Frequency Cap


This screen allows choosing to cap the impressions of unique users.


All fields are optional, please remember to click Save when done.

  1. Tag ID - if your company is a member of TAG, type your ID there.

  2. DUNS - if your company is a member of DUNS (Dun & Bradstreet), type your ID there.

  3. Version - choose the version of the IAB specs which you like to use.

  4. Domain - a read-only value of which domain will be used for this file.

  5. Contact Email - choose the company’s e-mail address to be displayed in the file.

  6. Contact Address - choose the company’s physical HQ address to be displayed in the file.



This screen allows setting CPM sync info for ad sources types that don’t report their real revenues directly (depending on their Type in
