URL mapping

Purpose of URL mapping

The idea of this feature is to allow the content player to show CMS content on the web page depending on the web page URL. If there are hundreds or thousands of web pages and each web page requires specific CMS content. In this case, one URL map can replace creating hundreds or thousands of different player tags with unique attached content.

Creating URL map

Step 1 - Creating a map

Click CMS Tools and select menu item URL mapping

Click the button Create URL map on the page with all URL maps

Step 2 - Basic info

Complete the field Title as it’s a required field. Field Description is optional.

Step 3 - Create URL-content connection

Click the button Add URL-Content connection to create at least 1 URL-content connection that is needed to save the map

Type the relevant URL address in the field URL

Click the button Attach content, select the type of CMS content, and then click the button Next in the popup

Select the CMS entity in the window and click the button Add selected entity. Remember that only one CMS entity can be connected to 1 URL.

Results will appear after making the previous action. It means that the player will play the selected video for a typed URL.

If you need to create more URL-content connections - add new rows by clicking the button Add URL-Content connection

Take into account that each row must have a unique URL address

Step 4 - Attach URL map to player tag

Once the URL map is saved, open the Instream player tag

Click the tab Content and select type CMS

Activate checkbox URL maps and select one URL map from already created in the CMS. Option URL Map is available only if one of the CMS entities (Video/Playlist/Carousel) is attached to the player tag (These entities will be used as fallbacks for the player if it’s needed).

Once the player tag is saved, you can deploy it to all web pages with URLs that are saved in the URL map. It allows the content player to know which content must be played depending on the web page URL.