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How to set up the right entities and flow to monetize display

In this document we will go over the process required you will learn how to create a display placement, what changes and updates were made to the ad-server UI and differences and similarities from Video an what to expect on the client side according to setup.

Summary of actions required:

  1. Enable the display service in your account if not already enabled. (Ask your CSM).

  2. Create a display ad-source (select creative type = display).

  3. Create display or multiformat channel (select creative type = display or multiformat).

    1. If publisher/partner connection is needed - Continue as usual.
      *In multiformat channels, the publisher/partner connection should have the correct create type.

  4. Create display placement in studio.

    1. Associate to network or publisher channel.

    2. Generate display placement code in studio and implement on the destination page/app.


Step by step guide and additional information




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    Ad-source Display Setup

    1. Create a new ad-source.

    2. Select “Creative Type” = Display.

    3. Use the new field “Creative Type” in the ad-source “Basic Info” tab, select “Display”.
      Note: Not all providers currently support display, if you can’t see the “display” option under a certain provider, it’s due to lack of support, notify the team you would like to add display prebid adapter support for that provider.

    4. Select source type:

      1. Google - More information here.

      2. Prebid.

      3. Custom / Tag - Few important notes about this source type:

        1. Any custom script can be added here, the “Gross CPM” will not be dynamic, similar to vast.

        2. Creative size field - It is mandatory to select the size of the creative (script/image).

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        3. Important note - Unlike in vast, the display ad-manager (the display equivalent to the video player), will not know when there is an actual response, and this type of ad-source will be rendered whenever it has a won the auction over it’s competition (other ad-sources), it’s important to only set images/scripts that always provide an impression, otherwise the ad source will be prone to discrepancies.

      4. Partner connection.

    5. All features are enabled similarly to video, capping, flight, targeting, etc, with some changes due to differences between video and display.

    6. Some optimization features might not work as they are being adjusted for display.Select a provider from the dropdown list.

    7. Possible ad source types:

      1. Prebid - Look for the SSP’s name.

        1. Select the provider and fill in the prebid required id values at the bottom of the page.

      2. Google - See more information here.

      3. Direct demand - use the “Custom” provider.

        1. Add your script or image tag to the URL field at the bottom of the page.
          You can host your image on Aniview, contact your CSM. Example for simply image:

          Code Block
          <img src=""></img>
        2. Set a clickthrough URL if needed.

        3. Select the size of the creative on the “Creative Size” field.

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      4. Partner connections (Display) may also be shared with you.

      5. If you can’t find the required prebid provider, contact your CSM.
        *Amazon, RTB and Prebid-Server demand for display will be added soon.

    8. All other settings are similar to video and can be found here: Ad Sources

  2. Channel Display Setup:

    1. Create a new channel - Select “Display” or “Multiformat” in the dropdown.

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    2. Select Google ad - sources in the display or waterfall tab (only display ad-sources will be shown in the dropdown/bulk add window).

      1. Select Google ad sources in the Google ad units section - More information here.

      All features are enabled similarly to video channels with few differences::

    3. IVT - Not currently supported for display.

    4. Player Settings - Changed to “Display Settings” - Will not show video specific settings.

    5. All other settings (e.g pricing rules, configuration, connections) should work same as in video

      “Google Ad Units” section - More information here.

    6. Select prebid/other ad-sources in the display setup tab.

    7. Important Note: Currently Google demand may only work in combination with prebid.
      Direct demand can not work with Google demand (it may work with prebid).

  3. Publisher/Partner Connections:

    1. In Display channels - the connection’s creative type will be predefined as “Display”.

    2. In Multiformat channels - Choose “Display” as the creative type.

    3. Publisher connections:

      All other settings are the same as in video

      When creating a publisher or partner connection, choose “Display” in the creative type field.

    4. For connection behavior In Multiformat channels - See more info here.

    5. Partner connections:

      1. Partner list will only show partners that have the “Display Service” enabled - If you can’t find a partner, make sure they have the display service enabled.

        1. You can also see which partners have it by clicking on a partner in the “Partners” page:

      2. All other settings are the same as video, more information can be found here.

  4. List pages: Change the “Creative Type” filter to see all your display entities.

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  5. Studio / Display Placement (New entity, the equivalent to a Video Player).

    1. Create a new display placement - Setup:

      1. Set up the usual placement setup (similar to player) - Info (name, description, ref1, publisher, etc), placement settings (gpid, position identifier, etc).

      2. Placement Dimensions (Specific to display):

        1. Placement size - This field will define the size of the placement div container, dropdown will allow one selection out of list of default sizes.

        2. Creative dimensions - This field will define the creative dimensions that the display placement will be allowed to request, they must be equal or smaller than placement size.

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          1. “Add eligible sizes” button will automatically add all smaller sizes than the placement size to the “Creative Dimensions” but it doesn’t necessarily means the customer will want to call all these sizes).

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        3. Refresh Interval:

          1. This will determine the amount of time (seconds) between each rendering of a new display ad (impression), options are 30, 60, 90 and None.

          2. Aniview display placement will refresh only if these conditions are met:

            1. Tab is viewable.

            2. Ad was viewable for the minimum X viewability (changeable in config).

            3. At refresh Interval seconds have passed since last ad was rendered.

    2. Preview - Similarly to video, use the preview option to review the display placement before you generate it.

    3. Generate - You can generate short (recommended) and full code, similar to video.

      1. It’s recommended that the user will set a minimum width and height on the targeted div to avoid CLS (cumulative layout shift) that will create bad UX and cause element shifting on the page while they load.
