
In order to show ads, you must have both a pool of advertisements (referred to as) and traffic sources, which are websites or apps (referred to as ).

An ad server is a platform that lets you connect both sides of the equation, giving you the ultimate power in making the best choices.

Our video ad server also has unique features such as a to prepare highly customized video players, a to upload static and dynamic videos alike to our player, and also our very own ad marketplace (contact us for more details)!

is the pool of advertisements that you can use to generate income. It usually requires signing a direct deal with SSPs (Supply Side Platforms) and setting them up as with their various .

We also have our own marketplace that we can pull ads from, contact us for more details!

is the traffic sources that you have at your disposal, i.e. websites and apps that your own or entitles to feature ads at.

A video player is a native plug and play element that plays video ads inside websites and apps. Our own player is highly customized that can be controlled directly from our using UI choices or even direct JavaScript commands.

The player is plug and play in the sense that it ends up as only 1 line of JavaScript code! All you need to do is simply inject this line inside your websites and apps. The rest of the work can be done through our Studio.