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Table of contents


Google as a renderer - How Google ad sources are treated in Display compared to Video.


Important Notes:

  1. To add Google display demand in the Aniview platform: - How to include Google demand in Display Standalone and Multiformat setups.

Google as renderer

  1. In Display, Google is used both as a demand source and a renderer when it is included in the waterfall.

    1. *When it is not included in the waterfall, or an error prevents it from rendering, Aniview steps in as the renderer.

  2. How the process works: When Google is the renderer, it means that every impression is being run through Google before it reaches the ad placement, example of prebid+google auction cycle:

    1. Aniview calls the waterfall and receives google ad source + prebid ad sources.

    2. Aniview ad manager calls all the prebid ad sources on the client side.

    3. Aniview ad manager sends the winning prebid bid CPM as a key value in the Google ad request.

    4. Google runs an auction in GAM between all participating bidders, this may include ADX, prebid bid, OpenBidding, and any direct line items.

    5. The winning line item is selected and a creative is returned to the ad placement.

    6. Prebid impression is considered an Ad-Server impression while ADX impressions are considered As ADX impressions.

  3. Note: Considering the above, every non-ADX impression is charged with a fee (by GAM, Aniview must create standard assets in your GAM account.
    (Advertiser, Orders, Line Items, Creatives, Key Values).

  4. Google ad sources can be used once for every display placement.

  5. Auctions utilizing Google (ADX) demand and other demand source such as prebid, RTB, direct, etc, may incur a fee on GAM when rendering a non ADX impression.

Aniview asset setup on Google:

  1. If you don’t have an API connection - Your Aniview and Google accounts are not connected yet:

    1. Contact your CSM for further instructions.

  2. Already have an existing Aniview to Google API connection:

    1. Change the Aniview API service account user role to “Administrator”. (This can be changed back after the assets are created on your account).

    2. Go to Aniview platform / Settings / TPP:

      1. For the relevant Google TPP label do the below:

        1. Enable “Import & Sync GAM Entities”

        2. Enable “Internal - Sync Only ADX Data In Display”

    3. Contact your CSM for further instructions (state that the “Administrator” role was granted).

Setup Google display demand in the Aniview platform:

After the assets were created, you can now set up your Google display demand assets.

  1. Create a Google ad unit in your GAM account (Or use existing ad units).

  2. Ad source - Create a Google ad source - You can choose one of two options:

    1. Recommended setup: Use the Platform Link source type setup (Display / Google) - This is the recommended setup.

      Note: To use this source type you must make sure that


    2. You have a TPP API connection with the relevant GAM account.

    3. “Import & Sync GAM Entities” option is enabled in (Account Settings / TPP page).
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    4. Your Google ad unit (in GAM) must have one ad size or more associated to it.

      1. Select the relevant “TPP Auth Credentials”.

      2. Select the right TPP Entity ID (represents Search the Google ad unit by name and or ID).

      3. If required, select the relevant Child Network from the dropdown.

      4. If required, select the Google Third ID from the dropdown (Shadow account).

      5. TPP CPM sync is automatically used herewhen you associate the Google ad unit to the ad source.

      6. Full path and sizes are automatically imported for the selected ad unit.

      7. If required, Key/Values can be added at the bottom of the page.

    5. Google Tag - Manual setup (not recommended, more info at the bottom of the page).

  3. Channel - Connect Google ad source to your Display or Multiformat channel:

    1. On your channel, in the display waterfall, look for the “Google Ad Units” section.

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    2. Select a Google display ad source from the dropdown.

      1. To use a google display ad source through a partner connection, select the “PC Ad Source” option and select the relevant PC, the Google ad source will not be exposed, make sure your partner has set up the Google ad source on their channel in their end.

    3. What is “Separate Ad Units” - This feature allows you to choose if you want to use the same ad source for all placements (standalone display or multiformat display: linear, overlay, passback).

      1. “No” (Default) - Utilizes a single ad source for all placements that will use this channel.

      2. “Yes” - Choose a separate ad source for each placement type (you can use the same ad source more than once).

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  4. Note: For specific cases, instead of the “Platform Link” ad source, you can use the Google “Tag“ source type setup (Display / Google):

    1. No existing API connection is required for this setup* - the setup is done manually.

      1. *Note: Assets must be created by the API beforehand.

    2. You can choose wether to add TPP sync CPM data (recommended).

    3. Full path: Add the full path - You may add the full path for the ad unit, or the whole ad unit tag from google.

      1. Child Network and Google Third ID can be added manually in fullpath.

    4. Sizes - Select from dropdown (it’s recommended to use the same sizes you have set up on your


      GAM ad unit

      in GAM


    5. If required, add key/values


    Connect Google ad source to your display or multiformat channel:

    Standalone display placement setup next steps - can be found here:
    1. Google ad units must be associated to the relevant ad placement type they are going to appear in.

    2. In your display waterfall (Multiformat channel “Display” tab, or Display channel “Waterfall” tab) go to the “Google Ad Units” section to selected the ad sources per placement.

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    3. The Google ad unit placement types are:

      Standalone - Used by the “Display Placement” studio entity


    4. InRead - Used by the video player’s multiformat features as in the InRead position (specifically the preloader and passback features).

    5. Float - Used by the video player’s multiformat features as in the Float and Sticky positions (specifically the preroll and passback features).

    6. Overlay - Used by the Instream video player’s overlay feature in InRead Position.

    7. Overlay Float - Used by the Instream video player’s overlay feature in Float/Sticky Position.

    8. For the same channel, each Google ad unit associated (in each placement) must be different, to prevent rendering issues on the client side (Google prevents two renders of same ad unit in page).

      1. Not only the ad source must be different, also the associated Google ad unit must be different.

    9. “Delegate to Partner” - You can also choose to connect a partner connection instead of Google ad sources, in this scenario, your partner will have to set up their Google ad units in their channel.

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  5. Multiformat setup next steps - can be found here: