Multiformat Features

How to add multiformat features (display ads) to video players:

  1. The “Display” service must be enabled in your account, if you do not see the features mentioned below, contact your CSM.

  2. Under Studio / Player Tags, create a new player or edit an existing player.

  3. Under the “Monetization” tab, enable the relevant multiformat features. More info about the available features for Instream and Outstream players below.

  4. Please note, the checkboxes are disabled if a multiformat channel is not associated to the player.


Additional information

  1. Multiformat features can only be used by the player.

  2. Multiformat features are non-video monetization features that can be added to Aniview video players via the studio - Not to be confused with Display Placements which are standalone display ad units, separate from video.

  3. Multiformat channels must be associated to the video player (this channel type has both video and display waterfalls).

  4. Types of multiformat features:

    1. Instream Player:

      1. Display Ads in Ad Breaks (Linear) - Display ad appears in video ad slot, or if no video is found for ad slot, display ad will show instead. Will only work with “Slots” mode players, will not work in breaking ads mode (Feature in development).

      2. Display Ads Over Content (Overlay) - Display ad (wide rectangle) appears over the content.

      3. Display Passback Ads (Passback) - Replace the video player with a display placement after errorLimit is reached. For instream player you can define when in the content cycle this is done:

        1. Immediate - Video player will be replaced as soon as the error limit is reached.

        2. When Current Content Ends - Video player will be replaced when current content play ends.

        3. When Playlist Ends - Video player will be replaced when current content playlist play ends.

    2. Outstream Player:

      1. Display Ads in Ad Breaks (Linear) - Display ad appears in video ad slot, or if no video is found for ad slot, display ad will show instead.

      2. Display Passback Ads (Passback) - Replace the video player with a display placement after errorLimit is reached.

  5. Notes: In the linear multiformat features, the video ads will always be prioritized over display ads.