Adserver reports

List of Reports

List of activity reports you previously saved.

Next to each name is some basic info and the (far right side) options to edit/view/download/duplicate/archive this report.

Add/Edit Report

When you click to add a new report or click to edit an existing one, you are presented with many useful options, most of which optional!

After you’re done, you can optionally click:

  1. Clear Report - if you like to blank the report’s settings before choosing new settings.

  2. Save Report - if you want to use the same report later on.

  3. View button (available only for existing reports) - display the results on screen.
    Note: this does require saving first. Otherwise it will show the results of the last saved report.

  4. Download button - download a CSV result file.
    Note: this does not require saving first. It will always download according to the current report settings, whether they are saved or not.

Report Summary


Basic Info

  1. Name - the name for this report.

  2. Description - any note you like to keep about this report.

  3. Privacy - can be Private (available only for admins and yourself), Public and All (not used).


Enable to have the report sent by e-mail.

  1. Repeats - how often to send the report.

  2. Starts on - when you start sending the report.

  3. Schedule time - at which hour to send the report, depending on Date Range Timeozne.

  4. Recipients - type e-mail addresses of who should get the report, regardless of any usernames they may have in the system.
    Separate by comma.

Date Range

  1. Date - choose a dynamic date (e.g. Yesterday) or Custom range, in which you can specific From and To.

  2. Timezone - choose from the list to change from the default UTC+0.
    Tip: this helpful feature is for cases when the publisher has an alternative timezone on their server and they need to compare data. Just remember this is just for reporting, not for billing.


Choose to filter only traffic that contains/doesn’t contain certain Dimension values or Metric ranges (e.g. only traffic from US and only if the impressions were > 0).


The full list appears in and is divided here to categories:

  1. Time - the month, the week, etc.

  2. Entities - basic elements such as Channel Name, Ad Source Name, etc.

  3. Extras - advanced elements such as Country, Domain, etc.

  4. Customs - custom values that were pre-defined to pass manually or dynamically by the publisher.

  5. Capping - settings that limited the traffic and were pre-defined in the ad source/channel level.

  6. RTB Dimensions - relevant only for RTB ad sources.

  7. IVT - fraud detections.

  8. Debug Dimensions - reasons for errors or blocking.

  9. Device Data - values that indicate which devices the traffic came from.


The full list appears in and is divided here to categories:

  1. Metrics - basic measurements.

  2. Conversion - measurements that tested whether the traffic ended up converting to a transation.

  3. User Errors - various measurements that tested whether the traffic was proper or not.

  4. RTB Metrics - relevant only for RTB ad sources.

  5. IVT - fraud values.
    Currently only for Pre-bid values. Post-bid values are reserved for the future, but meanwhile can be supplied via CSV files by e-mail.

  6. Debug Metrics - values for errors or blocking.

  7. Custom Metrics - custom calculations that were pre-defined in the system.