White Label 101

This page will go through the steps of creating a White Label Account

White labeling your Platform



Steps to White Label your platform


Configure Cnames

Sellers.json DNS

Graphic Assets

Page Metadata

Email Settings


Create your own branded platform by white labeling UI, tags, and domain. You can also enable custom parameters and personalize theme of your UI with a white-label agreement with Aniview.


Steps to White Label your platform:

To white label your platform, the following steps have to be followed:


  • General 

  • Check if white label agreement needs to be created.

  • Enter a root-level domain for white labeling. Please note that cutomerexample.com is a root level domain and sub.customerexample.com is a subdomain and not allowed.


  • Configure Cnames

  • For sellers.json DNS, navigate here for detailed information.

  • Configuration of CNAME record would point CNAME original DNS settings to a new domain.

*The HTTPS is an example - a unique string needs to be generated from the R&D per account
  • An additional CNAME configuration is needed for the dashboard, which is as follows:

  • WL for SSAI



CNAME Configuration

  • Sellers.json DNS

Proceed to the settings mentioned below only if Aniview manages the Sellers.json for the client:



Customer domain

point to

CNAME configuration

sellers subdomain


point to




301 redirect



  • Graphic Assets (Optional)

To white label customer company logo, you need:

  • Transparent Vector SVG files of company logo

  • 2 sets of logo files with aspect ratios of 1:1 and 1:4

  • A favicon

  • A set of your preferred UI color scheme with hexadecimal color value( e.g. Hexadecimal color value of Red is #FF0000)




  • Page Metadata


  • Enable Page Title Tab for displaying the title of the page in Chrome Tab.

  • Add Application Title which is basically the Title that would be displayed in Google Search.

  • Add Application Description which is the description that would be displayed in Google Search.

  • Enter the link to your Contact Us page on your website in Contact Us URL.


  • Email Settings


Setting up your platform with your valid email address is required to send reports, alerts, etc. The required details are as follows:


  • From Name

  • From Email

  • Company Name

  • Company Signature

  • Contact Us URL

  • Company LOGO URL

  • Powered By