plcmt configuration
plcmt was recently added to the openRtb video object
plcmt values are:
Instream click to play sound on
Accompanying Content - autoplay sound off
More details here: v1.0
Aniview Instream Player
When using the instream player, plcmt and placement are automatically set based on the player features autoplay and startVolume so the player will automatically set 1 if the player is click to play sound on and has volume sync enabled
No need to set any plcmt configuration
Demand configuration: plcmt, placement values are automatically set in prebid, prebid server and rtb demand. Add [AV_PLCMT] macro on the vast tags you have in order to pass to vast tags
Aniview outstream player
By default, the outstream player will use plcmt = 4
If the outstream player is configured with video preloader, it will use plcmt = 2
If the outstream player is used as interstitial for video or games in custom integration, plcmt should be set in adConfig using plcmt: 1 for example
Demand configuration: plcmt, placement values are automatically set in prebid, prebid server and rtb demand. Add [AV_PLCMT] macro on the vast tags you have in order to pass to vast tags
Aniview vpaid
When using Aniview vpaid, its required to add &plcmt=2 or &AV_PLCMT=2 for example otherwise its considered as outstream by default
You can add &skip=true&skiptimer=5 to enable a skip button after 5 sec
vpaid instream sound on configuration
Add the following configuration in use the vpaid with click to play sound on configuration to ensure sound on will properly function in all browsers
vpaid instream sound off configuration
vpaid used as interstitial
vpaid used as outstream
No need to add anything, AV_PLCMT=4 will be used automatically
Other vpaid setting
Add a skip button:
Aniview vast (Server side or client side)
It is required to add &AV_PLCMT=1 or 2 or 3 or 4 in order to pass the plcmt value to demand
Demand configuration:
Instream player, outstream player, vpaid: plcmt, video.placement and other video values are automatically set in prebid, prebid server and rtb demand. Add [AVC_PLCMT] macro on the vast tags you have in order to pass to vast tags
Note: With the player (instream and outstream), we have a custom way to override all plcmt, placement and other video parameters but this is required only in rare cases only and should not be used as a general solution
vast tag (client or servers side): plcmt will pass automatically prebid server and rtb demand
In vast demand tags, use [AV_PLCMT] that will be replaced with AV_PLCMT used in the vast call from supply
Other video parameters must be defined in the prebid server/rtb ad source page
prebid tags do not work in vast anyway