Contextual Filters

Purpose of contextual filter

Contextual filter can be used only for creating dynamic playlists. Contextual filter is the combination of rules for the dynamic playlist. If you want to create a dynamic playlist - you must create at least 1 contextual filter before it.

How to create the contextual filter:

Step 1 - Open filter creating/editing page

  1. Click on the item Contextual Filters (Under the menu CMS TOOLS) to open the page with a list of all contextual filters


  2. Click the button CREATE FILTER to open the filter creating/editing page


Step 2 - Create the name of the filter

  1. Type Title on the tab BASIC INFO


    1. Title field is required

    2. The filter’s Title will be shown on the page with the list of all contextual filters

    3. Also, you will see the filter’s Title on the dynamic playlist-creating page in the dropdown with all contextual filters (When you’ll try to connect the dynamic playlist with the contextual filter)

Step 3 - Configure 1 or multiple rules:

Configure at least 1 rule from all rules which are appeared on the tab BASIC INFO

Rule “Tag”

  1. Rule Tag - choose one or more pre-defined manual tags from an already pre-defined manual list (These tags can be created manually)


  2. If this rule is configured, system will add to the playlist video only if this video has at least 1 selected tag.


Rule “Category”

  1. Rule Category - choose one or more pre-defined manual categories from an already pre-defined manual list (These categories can be created manually)


  2. If this rule is configured, system will add to the playlist video only if this video has at least 1 selected category.


Rule “IAB Category”

  1. Rule Category IAB - choose one or more IAB categories from a list (This list was made by IAB)


  2. If this rule is configured, system will add to the playlist video only if this video has at least 1 selected IAB category.


Rule “Feed”

  1. Rule Feeds - Choose one or more feeds from an already pre-defined manual list (You must have already-created feeds with the purpose of video uploading).


  2. If this rule is configured, system will add to the playlist video only if this video was uploaded to the system from one of the selected feeds.

  3. Checkbox Remove old items - Set this checkbox as active, if you want to add new videos from the feed (After each auto-sync) instead of current videos in the playlist

Rule “PubDate”

  1. Rule PubDate - Set time interval by using time parameters:

    1. From - Selecting a time range that is later than the set date

    2. To - Selecting a time range that is earlier than the set date


    3. From - To - Selecting a time range between 2 set dates

  2. If this rule is configured, system will add to the dynamic playlist video - only if the video’s publication date from the feed will be inside the time range configured in the PubDate rule

  3. The rule PubDate can be configured only if the rule Feed was already configured


Rule “Created Date”

  1. Rule Created Date - Set time interval by using time parameters:

    1. From - Selecting a time range that is later than the set date


    2. To - Selecting a time range that is earlier than the set date


    3. From - To - Selecting a time range between 2 set dates


    4. Last X periods - This is a dynamic time parameter which is selecting the time range for the last X periods. For example, if you configured the Last 2 days - it means that system is always getting videos for the last 2 days from the current date (today).


  2. If this rule is configured, system will add to the dynamic playlist video - only if the video’s creation date will be inside the time range configured in the Created Date rule


Rule “Duration”

  1. Rule Duration - Set duration diapason by using parameters:

    1. From - Selecting duration that is longer than the set value



    2. To - Selecting duration that is less than the set value



    3. From - To - Selecting duration that is less than the set value


  2. If this rule is configured, system will add to the dynamic playlist video - only if the video’s duration will be inside the configured diapason according to the Duration rule

Step 4 - Save the contextual filter

  1. Click the button Save and system will find videos that are relevant to configured rules


    1. If you configured multiple rules - system will find videos that are relevant to all configured rules and at least 1 value for each rule.

    2. For example, filter has 3 already configured rules: Tag (Sport, Music, Fashion), IAB Category (Humor), and Feeds (Breaking news). And it means that system will find a video and attach it further to dynamic playlist only if this video follows all these 3 points:

      • Has at least one tag from these 3: “Sport”, “Music”, “Fashion”

      • Has the IAB category “Humor”

      • Was uploaded from the feed “Breaking news”


  2. You can see how many relevant videos system has already found based on the filter’s rules


Connections with dynamic playlists

You can see all dynamic playlists that are connected with this contextual filter on the tab ASSOCIATED PLAYLISTS.