Implementing Aniview's Prebid Adapter

Implementing Aniview's Prebid Adapter

To add Aniview’s adapter to a page, please follow the steps below:

  1. The page needs to contain the main Prebid.JS script (or call it). Download it from Prebid.JS site

  2. Make sure to add the Aniview adapter (Docs: Aniview for Header Bidding )

    The Prebid.JS version needs to be updated to the version (you can check it in this example)

            <script async src="//www.googletagservices.com/tag/js/gpt.js"></script>         <script async src="https://play.aniview.com/5f5e17417178df15b03913b1/6115075577b48a1b777b6506/prebid4.43.2.js"></script>

  3. Create a Channel on the platform and have it set up to Prebid type by clicking twice on “Prebid”, under Channel type (it will support only Server Side demand - i.e RTB, Video, Server Side VAST, and Prebid Server):

  4. Add our position relevant to the ad spaces to the bidder.

    i. The prams contain Publisher ID if you are working with Publisher logins) or your Account ID, and the relevant Channel ID.

    ii. In the  rendererConfig: { (you can add another player tag from the studio (in cases of open ad spot like IBV)  make sure you add the full tagURL of the player and the tagID that needs to be the same.

    The Channel associated with the player can contain also Prebid ad sources (renderconfig only supports Outstream Studio tags).

                        bids: [{                             bidder: 'aniview',                             params: {                                 AV_PUBLISHERID: "55b78633181f4603178b4568",                                 AV_CHANNELID: "5d19dfca4b6236688c0a2fc4",                       //playerDomain: "video.example.com",                                 rendererConfig: {                                     tagUrl: 'https://tg1.aniview.com/api/adserver/spt?AV_TAGID=60e6dccb98c9122219040149&AV_PUBLISHERID=55b78633181f4603178b4568&fromstudio=1',                                     tagId: 'AV60e6dccb98c9122219040149',                         hideDfpFrame: false                                 }                             }                         }                     ]


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