Supply Open RTB and Cookie Sync Integration
Supply cookie sync is required when integrating with Aniview openRTB endpoint.
Aniview requires opening an iframe for cookie sync
Cookie Sync iframe Url:[Your Network Id]/ssync.html?pid=[Your Network Id]&gdpr=&consent=&ccpa=&r=[Encoded redirect url]
Query Parameters:
pid: Replace [Your Network Id] with your network id as defined in Aniview console (
gdpr: Is gdpr
consent: if gdpr is applied, pass the consent string
ccpa: ccpa string (4 letters)
r: The encoded redirect url.
[AV_UID] will be replaced with Aniview user id. This id should be sent in user.buyeruid in the OpenRTB payload
[AV_UID] - Aniview User ID - This id should be sent in user.buyeruid in the OpenRTB payload
Please contact your Aniview representative or for setting up OpenRTB supply endpoint
OpenRTB Endpoint:
Supported openRTB versions: 2.3, 2.5 prefered
For the openRtb endpoint, use the following
Required Fields:
imp[x].tagid: In the imp[x].tagid should be the channel ID from the Aniview platform
user.buyeruid: Aniview User id from cookie sync