AdPlayerTag APIs - iOS

Obtaining AdPlayerTag Instance

Instances of AdPlayerTag can be obtained in one of two ways:

  1. Obtaining them right after the initialization (this is the earliest point at which the instance is available)

AdPlayer.initializePublisher(publisher) { result in switch result { case .success(let tag): // tag instance available here case .failure(let error): // tag initialization failed } }

2. Requesting them from AdPlayer

AdPlayer.getTagWhenReady(tagId: tagId) { result in switch result { case .success(let tag): // tag instance available here case .failure(let error): // tag initialization failed } }

3. In order to perform an action only if a tag is ready now and otherwise skip it, you may request the tag now if present using the following API

guard let tag = AdPlayer.getTagNowOrNil(tagId: tagId) else { return }

A common use for this API is when launching interstitial ads.


The AdPlayerTag allows you to control the player programmatically.

  • To pause the player, call AdPlayerTag.pause()

  • To resume playback, call AdPlayerTag.resume()

  • AdPlayerTag.skipAd() skips an ad if one is playing and skippable

  • AdPlayerTag.playingState.state == .playing: detects whether or not the player is playing


While most of the configurations are available on the dashboard, the AdPlayerTag provides some configurations to the player that can be changed in code. The configurations should be provided as part of the initialization process.

Some of the configurations also appear as assignable fields on the AdPlayerTag and can be changed at any time while others can be provided only at initialization and cannot be changed later.