Pricing Rules

The flow is as follows:

  1. Create a pricing rule on Lists->Pricing Rules. A pricing rule is a set of targeting rules with CPM/Floor.

  2. Attach this rule to one of the entities mentioned below. The pricing rule can be attached to an adsource, channel, or account.

  • If you are attaching this rule to an adsource, it will apply to the specific request sent to the adsource.

  • Applying it to a specific supply channel will apply to any inventory from this specific channel.

  • If you apply it to the account, it will apply to the entire inventory.

The rules matching method allows you to select between the first rule matched or process all rules and get the rule matched with the highest CPM.

  1. The “first rule match” method allows you to prioritize the rules. Imagine that you wish to prioritize one rule over the other instead of just processing all of them and getting the highest CPM.

  2. The CPM matching method is a way to decide which CPM to choose between the adsource or the rule.

For example, if you have a winning rule with a CPM of 3$, and the adsource has a CPM of 5$.

  • If you have chosen to take the “highest CPM” policy, we will use the adsource CPM (5$)

  • If you’ve chosen the “rules first” policy, we will use the 3$ CPM. The “rules first” policy will use the winner rule CPM even if it is lower than configured on the adsource.