Studio Player Tag API

Aniview Studio is a feature that enables management of instream and outstream players in a flexible way.

The studio tag has a javascript API that can be used for customizing the studio configuration when loading the script and in order to hook into the player API and events

The default structure of a studio tag looks like this:
<script async id="AV5fdc6ff3ad9eb744ab2c91db" type="text/javascript" src="[studio tag id]&AV_PUBLISHERID=[publisher id]"</script>>

** Important note: script id must match AV[tag id]. Meaning in this example id="AV5fdc6ff3ad9eb744ab2c91db"

Overriding Config

It is possible to override config by using data attributes

The use as follows:

  • Add attribute with “data-” prefix

  • Use - for uppercase letter: “data-abc-def“ will override config.abcDef

  • Use . for an object: “data-abc.def-ghi” will override

  • Adding the following attribute: “data-ad-config.error-limit“=5 will set config.adConfig.errorLimit= 5

It is also possible to obtain and modify the player config before the player creation by adding the attribute:


window.configOverride = function (config) { //config.soundButton = true; can be used to update the player config }

Obtaining a Reference to the Player

In order to obtain a reference to the player, add the following attribute:


window.callbackFuncName = function(config, player) { //player is the player object //player.on("AdImpression", function(data){}) can be used for example to listen to player events }

An element with both override config and player call back may look like:

<script async id="AV5fdc6ff3ad9eb744ab2c91db" type="text/javascript" src="[studio tag id]&AV_PUBLISHERID=[publisher id]" data-player-api="callbackFuncName" data-config-api="configOverride"></script> <script>

Code example: