Displaying A Player - Flutter


To gain access to the AdPlayer APIs, first obtain an instance of the AdPlayerFlutterPlugin:

import 'package:adplayer_flutter_plugin/adplayer_flutter_plugin.dart'; class _MyScreenState extends State<MyScreen> { final _adPlayerFlutterPlugin = AdPlayerFlutterPlugin(); }

Then initialize the AdPlayer SDK:

@override void initState() { super.initState(); await _adPlayerFlutterPlugin.initAdPlayerSdk(publisherId, tagId); }


To display a player just present an AdPlayerPlacementWidget as part of your UI:

import 'package:adplayer_flutter_plugin/adPlayerPlacement.dart'; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return AdPlayerPlacementWidget(tagId: tagId); }

Make sure the value of tagId is the same one that is being passed to initAdPlayerSdk.