Report - Bucket Scheduling (API)

1. Login

To log in - the general login API is used. Example - Login API

This step is for getting a Token to add to the request header for Authentication reasons.

2. Create a report with bucket scheduling:

Request URL:

To read more about all the reporting api in general visit:

Request Method:


{ Content-Type: application/json, X-Bamboo-Token: "<your_Auth_Token>" }


in the scheduling object, there is the integration, integration.type will indicate if it is a type email or bucket and if it is integrated.bucket object will contain the integration of your bucket

"scheduling": { "startDate": 1724198400000, "endDate": 1755734400000, "isScheduled": true, "startHour": "10", "intervalHours": 2, "weekDay": 1, "monthDay": 1, "integration": { "type": 2, "bucket": { "bucketName": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "accessKey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "secretKey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" } }
{ "name": "new report", "type": 1, "privacy": 0, "cb": false, "async": true, "includeHeaders": true, "collection": "", "igq": false, "drm": false, "selectedDb": false, "dimensions": { "values": [] }, "metrics": { "values": [ "inventory", "request", "bid", "impression", "revenue", "totalCost" ] }, "filter": { "additionalFilters": [], "requestStartDate": null, "requestEndDate": null, "startDate": 1724198400, "endDate": 1724284799 }, "recipients": { "values": [] }, "frequency": "weekly", "scheduling": { "startDate": 1724198400000, "endDate": 1755734400000, "isScheduled": true, "startHour": "10", "intervalHours": 2, "weekDay": 1, "monthDay": 1, "integration": { "type": 2, "bucket": { "bucketName": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "accessKey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "secretKey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" } }, "dateRangeValue": null, "type": "today" }, "timezoneName": "UTC", "timezoneOffset": 0 }


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