How to search selector

go to the page you want → right click → inspect → element

take the arrow ->

point the position you want to put the player (after it) ->

click on it and then back to ‘elements’ the position you pointed at will be highlight , right click - >

copy → copy selector

ctrl + f / cmd +f → paste on search in the ‘elements’ the selector you just copied →

Basic: take the last ones and see if it still fits, else take the last 3…etc… :

Advanced: search the parent class of the div / p you choose and then search the position of it e.g:

div.class > p:nth-of-type(2)

*you might need more then one selector - check the selector on other pages in the site if it doesn't match search another selector. e.g : “div.class > p:nth-of-type(2), div.class2 > p:nth-of-type(5)” ... use different selectors by separating them with a comma.